Farwa Farid, Therapist


Farwa Farid, Therapist

"Caring, easy to talk to and helpful"

Farwa has valuable experience in the outpatient setting and partial hospitalization care setting. She has provided individual, family, and group therapy. She is skilled in a variety of treatment modalities including CBT, Talk Therapy and DBT.

Farwa has experience working with children, young adults, adults and geriatrics.

Farwa is currently accepting patients in person and by tele health at our Brooksville Location.

Get Started Now

Virtual and In-Person appointments.

Before and After work and school hours available.

N/A Farwa Farid, Therapist

Farwa has valuable experience in the outpatient setting and partial hospitalization care setting. She has provided individual, family, and group therapy. She is skilled in a variety of treatment modalities including CBT, Talk Therapy and DBT.

Farwa has experience working with children, young adults, adults and geriatrics.

Farwa is currently accepting patients in person and by tele health at our Brooksville Location.

Farwa Farid, Therapist

Learning to Achieve Wellness – NeuroStar Advanced Therapy TMS