NeuroStar Advanced TMS Therapy in Brandon, Brooksville, and New Port Richey

Measurable Improvement

A real-world study reported an 83% response rate. This means that 83% of patients that completed their NeuroStar treatment cycle saw measurable improvement in their depression symptoms.**,12

Complete Remission

The same real-world study reported a 62% remission rate. This means that 62% of patients that completed their NeuroStar treatment cycle likely wouldn’t be diagnosed with MDD if they were first being evaluated by their doctor.**,12

Decreasing Remission with Medications

By comparison, in a separate study not involving NeuroStar, for patients who have not found relief from 3 or more antidepressants, the chance of remission from subsequent medications is less than 7%.6,7,17,18

For people who have not found relief from antidepressants, NeuroStar TMS is a safe and proven treatment for depression.


NeuroStar TMS therapy is an exciting new option for the treatment of depression and other psychological conditions. When you have tried a variety of medications and other treatments for depression but have not found a therapy that will work without significant side effects, this new technology may be able to help. NeuroStar Advanced TMS Therapy in 33511 is a drug-free depression treatment that works – and Learning to Achieve Wellness can show you how.

What Is NeuroStar Advanced TMS Therapy?

TMS is the acronym for transcranial magnetic stimulation, which is a drug-free treatment for major depression. This type of treatment uses focused magnetic pulsations to restart the inactive synapses (connections) in your brain that are causing your depression. It is important to note that TMS therapy is not “shock” therapy and does not involve invasive surgery.

You will start to see results about two to three weeks into your treatment cycle as you notice a better mood, fewer “depressed days,” and an increase in your desire to engage with others. Even though you will be seeing improvement, you need to complete your entire set of treatment sessions. Completing the 36-day course of treatment gives you the best chance for long lasting depression relief.

What Is TMS Therapy?

NeuroStar Advanced TMS therapy is an outpatient treatment administered in our Brandon office, or in New Port Richey or Brooksville. Sessions usually take about 19 minutes to complete. A major study performed under real-world conditions reported that 83 percent of patients felt significant improvement in their mood after NeuroStar TMS treatments. The same study also reported a 62 percent remission rate, which is significantly higher than the remission rate after trying three or more medications. As you can see, there is a great benefit to trying out this treatment when other options for depression have been unsuccessful.

Try Something Different in Treating Depression and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

When you have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD), anxious depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and have struggled to find relief from antidepressant drugs, NeuroStar TMS therapy in 33511 may be right for you. It is not a drug, nor is it a form of electroconvulsive therapy (“shock therapy”). It is completely non-invasive, and you will not experience the common side effects seen with medications.

TMS Therapy is an office-based treatment with sessions scheduled over 36 days. With minimal side effects, and because it does not require any anesthesia, you can return to regular activities immediately after treatment sessions. NeuroStar TMS is the only treatment that has been shown to last in treatment-resistant patients for up to a year. It has been proven to be safe and effective and is FDA-cleared for use.

Visit Us in Brandon, Brooksville, New Port Richey, & Tampa for NeuroStar Advanced TMS Therapy

Depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other mental disorders can be devastating, especially if you are unable to find any relief. If you are not happy with your current depression treatment and want to try something new, you should consider NeuroStar Advanced TMS therapy in Brandon, or in one of our other locations. Schedule an appointment with Learning to Achieve Wellness, learn more about this exciting development, and determine if this treatment is right for you.

Adult Indications for Use

The NeuroStar Advanced Therapy System is indicated for the treatment of depressive episodes and for decreasing anxiety symptoms for those who may exhibit comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and who failed to achieve satisfactory improvement from previous antidepressant medication treatment in the current episode.

The NeuroStar Advanced Therapy System is intended to be used as an adjunct for the treatment of adult patients suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Adolescent Indications for Use

NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is indicated as an adjunct for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in adolescent patients (15-21).

NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is only available by prescription. A doctor can help decide if NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is right for you. Patients’ results may vary.

Important Safety Information

The most common side effect is pain or discomfort at or near the treatment site. These events are transient; they occur during the TMS treatment course and do not occur for most patients after the first week of treatment. There is a rare risk of seizure associated with the use of TMS therapy (<0.1% per patient).

NeuroStar Advanced Therapy should not be used with patients who have non-removable conductive metal in or near the head. NeuroStar Advanced Therapy has not been studied in patients who have not received prior antidepressant treatment.

TMS Therapy Reviews

- Albert

Do it!! Don’t just think about it! It’s been life changing for me. From wanting to die everyday to up & back into life in a few short weeks. Convenient as I was driving to UF in Gaineville every day. This is a mere 20 min. away. Treatments last for about 20 min. so you are back to your like in no time. Please, please if you are suffering, give this treatment a chance. What have you got to lose?? You have everything to gain.

- Debra

My last day of treatment. When I started this journey I never thought I would feel so wonderful. My daughter Kailey was telling me all the good things that could come out of this treatment. You may think about it, but I would go ahead and try it! You will be amazed as your whole life can change for the positive! I feel so blessed to have a daughter that cares about my mental health. Everyone in this office is amazing! Shout out to: Lillian, Amy, Stacy, Kailey – thank you!

- Norma

Thank you to the staff. The procedure helped but I think the staff helped just as much or more with their caring way and friendliness. I feel much better and have a new look on life. Between the procedure and medication I am able to get more done and enjoy what I am doing more.

- Deborah

The start of the treatment was scary. After a few weeks things started to become more clear. the TMS has helped me become a better mother & spouse. Thank you for all you do.

- Samantha

Adam had said that he has noticed positive changes from his TMS treatments and is interested in another round.

- Adam

Thank you to the staff. I was skeptical at first and didn’t see any change until halfway through, but keep going because it makes a big difference. I feel much better now and have hope for the future and lasting results! Thanks so much.

- Kerry

After 24 years of taking antidepressants, I knew it was time to stop. TMS really

helped me understand how the brain works. Thank you for your help and guidance. Love Ya

- Evelyn

The staff at the facility was always so nice and helpful. The treatments were always explained to me in detail. I feel the treatments have helped but i still have some improving to do. Thanks everyone for all your help.

- June

34 years of being on antidepressants, I feel better like never before! My the Grace of God that brought me to this wonderful clinic, I am healed. Next step is going off these meds! I was an extremely down person and a couch potato not wanting to do anything! Didn’t wast to clean, cook shop play. I was lifeless. Now, 3 months later, I am a brand new person – no joke! Thank you all for being here! ♡

- Debbie

I was in a dark hole, and didn’t know if I would make it out. I had many nights and years of restless interrupted sleep. With the help of fantazea and everyone at learning to achieve wellness i stayed coming to my treatments even dealing with continuous life stressors. I will say the past 2 weeks i have felt just brighter and lighter and im not letting things affect me as much and boy has my sleep improved. Anyone looking into TMS , don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away , trust the process and complete all treatments as fantazea would say ALL treatments are important even down the to the last one. I am so thankful for learning to achieve wellness.

- Natalie

My experience with TMS has given me hope for brighter days. I used to wake up feeling angry with a dark cloud that followed me everywhere I went. I now wake up looking forward to my day. My life is the brightest it has been in years. I recommend TMS to anyone who has lost hope. There are brighter days, and I owe it all to TMS and the Learning to achieve wellness awesome staff.

- Kayla C.

Jennifer said it has helped her a lot! Not only does she feel better but she feels like she is a better mom now and it has given her the motivation to go back and finish school. Now that is AMAZING!!! So happy for her! Kailey and Stacey, you both did a great job administering her treatments and making her feel comfortable!

- Jennifer

TMS has helped her feel more alert and motivated. She also feels like this has helped her “be more on top of things, more focused”.She mentioned that even her friends had noticed she was smiling more. She also feels that it has helped her “get out and about”,  becoming more outgoing than she was.

- Caroline

Starting off on this journey I was so depressed + had several med changes that weren’t working. I was starting to feel hopeless like I was just going to have to live like this. On the first treatment I felt better + improvement with my depression + it was up + up + up from there. I’m so glad I did this + don’t have to live like I was living. The staff has been so amazing that it’s sad I won’t see them anymore but I’m switching to here for my mental health needs because of how great they are. Thank you so much for helping me get to this new amazing place in my life.

- Stephanie M.

NeuroStar has helped me a lot! My depression has gotten better, I am more motivated, my anxiety decreased, and I was able to go back to work again

- Jessica

Now that I have finished my treatment, things are more positive than before the treatment. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a better life. You will notice the difference, I have and will keep it. I’m so glad to have had this treatment it works. 

- Hunt

Will says in general his TMS experience has been very helpful. He has had two rounds, and he feels his coping mechanisms are so much better, he’s much calmer and has a better outlook on life. He always had a thing in the back of his mind that he wanted to return to “before high school William” before things got tough. He used to be eager to learn, less afraid of the future, and more motivated. He feels he has gotten as close to being back to that person as he can be but just older, which makes him optimistic for the future again thanks to his treatments.

- William L